Welcome to the garden, the original secret place!
Nice to meet you, I'm Brittany Thomas.
Growing up as a child, she always felt that God placed a calling on her life. There was a growing hunger that she had for God that couldn't be explained. Brittany had no one closer to her age that could teach her what that hunger was. Often times she felt like Samuel without an Eli in the Bible. The desire to have a big sister was very crucial for her as a teenager. Fast forward, to summer 2022, God placed a burden on Brittany to create Daughters of Eden to become that Eli to teenage girls. Now this is a growing ministry for all teenage girls to grow deeper in Christ.
Outside of Daughters of Eden, Brittany is also a special education teacher. She holds a bachelor's degree from THE Prairie View A&M University. She is also a current graduate student at the University of North Texas pursuing a M.S. in Family Policy and Program Administration. Additional, Brittany is the owner of God's Notebook Publishing Co. and the founder of God's Notebook.
If your daughters' testimony is similar to Brittany's then come join us!
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